Just the Same

I’m meeting with someone I haven’t seen in awhile for drinks later tonight. We used to work together at two different property management firms over the last five or so years, and she even stood up in my wedding. We kept in touch well enough for me to feel comfortable in asking her to be a reference for the new job I landed earlier this week, so when she messaged me through Instagram telling me to follow her new entrepreneurial Instagram account, I was excited to share my good news she had a part in creating. After exchanging a few more messages, we realized we live blocks from each other. Her new Instagram account highlights different local businesses in our neighborhood, so when I suggested we meet at this cute bar on Milwaukee Ave, she happily agreed. 

The thing is, I’m nervous about how this is going to go. I mean, we’re different people now. Both of us have moved beyond the industry that brought us together, so I think a part of me is unsure of what we’ll have to connect on. I suppose we don’t need a specific set of commonalities to sustain a friendship, but walking into a somewhat unknown place is interesting. Not that I’m a heavy drinker (no shade to those that are) but planning to meet at a bar was intentional: alcohol loosens the wheels of conversation and my lips just the same. Although, I think I’m going to try and approach this from a “listening” stance. I know I tend to over-talk, and I really want to work on that. Not that I don’t listen, but I never want to take over a conversation, or dump on someone, or talk about something they have no interest in. 


My laptop has now decided it wants to die unless it’s being plugged in, and I feel that on a deep level. This is such an inopportune moment for this piece of technology to give me trouble, considering I’ll need it for work. Reading over my offer letter (which was only just sent today and let me tell you how nervous I’ve been since Tuesday after only receiving a verbal offer! So glad I’ve finally signed something as of today) I’m responsible for purchasing my equipment, which I would then be reimbursed back for. This tells me I’ll be spending money I don't have to make money. I’m not too worried about that, I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Paying for whatever else is needed out of pocket means not traveling out of state for a while, which makes me a little sad because I really wanted to see that friend of mine. BUT! It also means I now have three full and beautiful days all to myself. I’ve already got a monthly queer open mic to attend, and a three-part drinking event(? Only way I can  think to explain it - we’re going to three different bars in three different neighborhoods. There’s a booze trolley involved. It’s going to be a whole thing) on Friday. Thursday is open, but there’s an event I could RSVP to if I wanted to really load my plate up. I don’t. Never have, never will. 

One more random thought before signing off: Four years ago today, I bought (yeah, you read that right bought a puppy with my then girlfriend. Facebook and Snapchat memories keep the memories so fresh, but I felt something I didn’t think I would: relief. Not having to continue to care for a dog I wasn’t ready for in the first place is quite a weight lifted. I loved Milo. He was a perfect Shiba Inu whose temperament matched that of my cat. It’s weird to think that the last time I saw him, I was telling him I would be seeing him “so so soon, sweet boy,” those were the words I whispered to him before heading to Indiana. I don’t know what I would’ve said to him had I known that’d be the last time I saw him. I hope he’s well, and finally learned to appreciate walks and not completely hate them. Time changes a lot, perhaps that’s one of them.