Six Thirty-Five

We're in a bar around the corner from your apartment. We've had two shots and two beers, the cocktails you made us before coming out, and a bottle of Prosecco. I wouldn't have needed all of that liquid courage to do what I did, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't help me think less. You're so intimidating, but in a way, that's somehow magnetic at the same time. I hope you're always this way. I spent a good portion of the night adhering to the line in the sand I'd drawn as a way to keep myself in check, but by the time I found us in the back of your favorite bar, my ocean of wetness long eroded it.

I can feel the stickiness of the floor under my shoes as I shuffle them to lean in closer to you. You look so good in all black. I smooth my palm on the back of your neck with my left hand, bringing you closer to me. Your skin is so fucking soft; how do you do that? Your hands make their way to either side of my hips, and like that, we're the only people there. Your mouth is so sweet. "Do you want to come home with me?" Yes. I nod. "I'll make you pancakes in the morning?" Yes. I nod again as you take my hand, heading back to your place - your bed. 

At some point, we slept for a few hours before waking together. You don't make me pancakes, but that's so okay. You order them for me instead. We have our breakfast and coffee at the table, nursing our hangovers. I want to skip work, but I still have a few hours before I need to leave. Hours are like minutes in lesbian time, and that's a verified fact.

"You wanna go lay back down?" You ask. "Yes, please." 

There's silence for some time, and then there isn't. You in the morning light is far better than you in the dark. I love seeing all of you. I love hearing you say my name, and watching you throb for me. I've never seen anything like what you're capable of, and I need more. 

Photo by Lachlan Gowen on Unsplash

“s as in”





(i wish i could have stayed)