Nothing Sexy

I sort of feel like I’ve run out of words, or that I’ve said all that there is to say. Thoughts still drift around my mind, but I’m not trying to get any of them to stay. I stood on my back porch during my lunch break this afternoon and stared at the brick wall for half of it. I had music playing, but could still hear the rain as it hit the wooden railing I leaned against. I was someplace else for some time and I wish I could take you back there with me. It was softer and smoother than I feel now. 

I know I’m feeling a little out of sorts because my body needs time to unwind after spending so much time with others rather than alone. My home is my favorite place to be, but this weekend was overall incredibly beautiful and worth the temporary discomfort. 

My friends and I celebrated one of our very own’s birthdays all weekend, and to feel the joy of watching her be showered in love filled my heart in more ways than I can think to describe. 

Between the birthday celebrations, I was able to talk to my dad again over the weekend. He called me on Saturday for the fourth week in a row, can you believe it’s already been that long? I wish our calls lasted longer than 20 minutes, only because I find myself wanting to ask him more than what we’re able to get into in that amount of time. He also talks a lot, kind of like me. It’s not a bad thing, it’s great honestly. I know for a while we’ll both probably have a lot to say to each other, so I’m perfectly okay with being patient with asking my questions. 

I don’t know why I chose Monday as the day I’d write and publish these entries, because it doesn’t feel ideal. I’m either extremely anxious for the beginning of the work week in the morning, which happened today, or I’m exhausted from an overpacked weekend and having worked a long and busy day, which also somehow happened today (lucky me?) I guess I’m proud of myself for writing anything down to begin with, though I didn’t have the energy to write about any of the fun or sexy things that occurred. 

There are a couple of letters to lovers I’d like to write later this week. Maybe keep an eye out for those? 

Until next time.