Loose Ends

There are too many loose ends to try and tie up; it's becoming harder to focus on anything else. 

Though, yesterday's work event was a good distraction. Eighteen rounds of golf on a course while drinking with people you don't know but work with is enough to preoccupy even the busiest of minds. I've never played golf outside of minigolf before, but it turns out I'm not awful. There were a handful of praises from the men to me that sounded as genuine as when cheering each other on. Of course, drinking also helps, but I went completely sober the first half of the course as I didn't know where to place my order. People were rolling around with six-packs on their golf carts with different kinds of beers in a plastic bag filled with ice. I understand why people like this sport now. One where you can drink and smoke and still feel like you worked out for hours on end? Say less. 

It wasn't until after the game was over that my team's captain (four of us to a group) said I would be feeling sore in muscles I didn't know existed. My god, he wasn't kidding. My forearms ache the most. Of course, my entire body aches, but it's my forearms and legs from having to bend so many times at the knee to hit the ball properly. Woof.

This should make moving all the more fun. 

One more day. 

Photo by Rui Silvestre on Unsplash