Better Late Than Never

It’s late and I shouldn’t be starting this now, but I wanted to remain consistent with this writing. One post a week isn’t much, I don’t even have a word limit or goal for myself. If I really wanted to, I could stop here. 

I won’t though, a lot has happened over the course of the last seven days, as it always seems to. I don’t have it in me to paint pictures of what I saw – the memories that linger in my mind as I type these words. I’m feeling lazy, but I want to share with you the joys that met me in the days past. 

I went to a show that made my soul hum as the music vibrated the speakers. I still am impressed with the fact that I stayed out as late as I did and worked the next morning. The exhaustion was worth the experience. I could feel myself become raw with longing, wanting unconditional intimacy. Even in reminiscing, I feel the need to get a grip. 

 I’m tired, friends. I wish I could focus more. Words are hard to get out sometimes, you know? I wish there were a little microphone in my head that could simply transcribe the things that make their way to the surface. 

For now, I’ll leave you with my hope that you rest sweetly. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. I’ll do the same. 

Until next time.